Now that Layla is 8 months (where did the time go?) I thought I would share our must haves and Layla's favourites for the first 6 months:
gym - Santa brought Layla a playgym for Christmas and she has been playing with it everyday ever since. We got a basic one with dangly animals but we found that the toys were too high up for Layla to use so we attached her some pram toys that also jingle which were much easier for her to grab and therefore the play gym kept her attention for a longer period of time. However, the mother in law bought a play gym for her house that had a keyboard at the end so when she kicks her feet it activates the keyboard. needless to say we wish we had that one at our house as she loves it and it seems to hold her attention for longer than the one we have here.
Toy bar for the car seat - This was bought for me by a friend and I feel that this was probably the best present we were given. Initially this went on her car seat and all she would do was stare at it but now she adores playing with it! She has learnt that if she pushes the heart the tune plays, that the other objects spin and if she angles it right she can see herself in the mirror.
to me cot - I have written a separate blog post here about sleep but I cannot speak highly enough of the next to me cot it literally saved our sanity. I have also written a blog post about the next to me cot as we love it so much!
with mittens - a godsend! When Layla was a newborn we could never keep mittens on her for more than 5 minutes and as soon as she had managed to wriggle out of them a scratch would appear on her face so the sleepsuits with the integrated mittens were amazing. Not everywhere does them though and you will need to double check the packs for them. I think however that you can only get built in mittens up to the 0-3 stage in sleepsuits.

Toothbrush - After a conversation with a fellow Mummy we introduced a toothbush into our morning routine so while I get ready in the bathroom Layla has the toothbrush to play with and chew. This has stood us in good sted as now she has teeth she will happily let us brush them with the toothbrush.

Toothbrush - After a conversation with a fellow Mummy we introduced a toothbush into our morning routine so while I get ready in the bathroom Layla has the toothbrush to play with and chew. This has stood us in good sted as now she has teeth she will happily let us brush them with the toothbrush.
Sling - It took us a long time and a few wasted buys before we found a sling that worked for us. We attended our local sling library and were able to rent out a sling to road test it before we bought one of our own. This is a fantastic service where I was able to talk to some very knowledgeable ladies about sling recommendations specifically for our reflux baby.
bibs - To begin with I wondered what the need for these triangle bibs were for us but soon after her reflux diagnosis I found that the dribble bibs were a life saver not only as sick catchers but also they look alot cuter than the circle food bibs when paired with an outfit. We now have at least 20 of them in an array of colours so I can coordinate outfits. Who said reflux couldn't be cute.
Aldi –
nappies and wipes - Before we had Layla my other half and I had a massive argument about what nappies to use he said we should use pampers because they are the best brand and we should only use the best on our baby. My argument was that aldi are not only the cheapest brand out there but they are also the nappy that has won the most awards. Who won the argument? I'll leave your common sense to decide.
Dummy - Thank god for dummies! (You can read my post about dummies here) these have really helped soothe our unsettled little one. God help us when we have to wean her off them.
Bumbo - Having a small baby has meant that when the time for weaning came she was still too small for any of the highchairs we had seen on the market so instead we used a bumbo. We now use it everyday and as it is so lightweight it is easily transportable to grandparents and friends houses when Layla will be eating elsewhere.
Any other must haves that you would include for 0-6 months?
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