On this Mothers day I want to look at and celebrate all of the Mums in my life. Since becoming a Mother myself I am in awe of the mothers before me.
My Nanny Page had 6 kids and raised them alone after my Grandad died when my Dad was only a young teen. She is no longer with us but many of my family comment on how I have got her no nonsense approach to life and my want for family closeness also comes from her.
My Mums mum who I have called Nannie Treasure my whole life (but that is another story) is the woman who puts on the big family gatherings so we can all get together and the main reason why my cousins on my mums side are all so close. We have shared holidays, a million celebrations together and whenever I come down she always has all the family over to see us. She is the most amazing cook and can never do enough for her family. When we get our forever home I would love to hold family get togethers just like my Nannie does so well.
I don't know how I would have gotten through the early days of Motherhood without my soon to be mother in law helping out in any and every way she could do. She very often came round to hold Layla-Rose while I showered or took her on a walk to give me and my OH a chance to rest. Not having family of my own nearby I relied so heavily on her in the early days (and still do now) and I truly don't know what we would do without her.
My Mum is truly the most amazing woman and since becoming a mother myself I have a new respect for her. My mum wasn't a young mum (35 when she had me) after desperately wanting a baby for so many years I finally came along before my brother almost 5 years later. She was a stay at home Mum until we were both at school and then went back to work to help my Dad make sure we had everything we could want. She wears her heart on her sleeve and I know it hurts her not being able to see me and Layla-Rose whenever she likes but she is always there on the other end of the phone and has, when I needed her, dropped everything to come up and help. If I am half the mother she was to me I know Layla-Rose will be lucky.
As well as Mamas from our families since having Layla-Rose I have some new found Mum friends who have helped me navigate the first year of motherhood. While we were all on maternity leave we kept each other sane by trips out and constant whats app messages asking all sorts of questions from poop to sleep. These ladies are now truly friends for life and I find each and every one of them so inspiring and its a pleasure count them amongst my friendship group.
Before I became a Mum I only ever had one friend who had already had a baby and thank god she is one of the most honest people I have come across as she didn't sugar coat anything! As soon as I found out I was pregnant she was there by my side sometimes literally holding my hand through everything. I must have asked her a million and one questions before Layla-Rose was born and probably a million more since she has been born. She is always able to make me feel like I am a good mother and puts any mum fail moment into perspective which instantly makes me feel better.
Since being a Mum, two of my best friends have had or are about to have a baby of their own. They are both already amazing Mamas one running her own charity while raising a baby after her husband survived cancer and another who has the attitude that I wished I had while pregnant so relaxed.
So to all Mamas and mothers to be this mothers day YOU are amazing, YOU are a bad ass and YOU can do this!
Happy Mothers Day!
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